My Research Projects:

The Immigrant Youth Project examines the emotional well-being and incorporation experiences of immigrant young adults who grow up in the United States (grant funded by the National Science Foundation).
Neighborhood Microscope: Leveraging Big Data Sources to Examine Health and Well-Being in Urban and Rural NC Neighborhoods (grant funded by the NC Collaboratory).

Puerto Rican Post-Disaster Migration Project explores the lived experiences and well-being of Puerto Ricans who fled to the United States when Hurricane Maria and Irma hit the archipelago (grant funded by the National Science Foundation).

Peer Reviewed Publications:

Aranda, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Vaquera, Heide Castañeda, and Melanie Escue. 2024. “Normalized  Expendability:  Navigating  Immigrant  Legal  Status during  a  Global  Pandemic.” American Behavioral Scientist.
Fox, Bryanna, John Cochran, and Melanie Escue. 2024. “ Profiles  of  Death  Penalty  Attitudes:  A  Latent  Class  Approach. ” Deviant Behavior.
Escue, Melanie, Elizabeth Aranda, Alessandra Rosa, and Rebecca Blackwell. 2023. “ Subjective  Well-Being  and  Mental  Health  of  Puerto  Rican Post-Disaster  Migrants. ” Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences 45(1), 3-22.

Castañeda, Heide, Melanie Escue, and Elizabeth Aranda. 2023. “ ‘A  Lot  of  People  There  Were  Undocumented,  or  at  Least  They  Looked  Like  Me’:  Illegality,  Visibility,  and  Vulnerability  among  Immigrant  Young  Adults  in  Florida. ” Journal of Cultural Geography 40(2):118-42.

Blackwell, Rebecca, Elizabeth Aranda, Melanie Escue, and Alessandra Rosa. 2023. “Cascading  Disasters:  The  Impact  of  Hurricane  Maria  and  Covid-19 on  Post-Disaster  Puerto  Rican  Migrants’  Adaptation  and  Integration  in  the  United  States.” Latino Studies 21:138-61.

Jaynes, Chae M., Melanie Escue, and Mateus Rennó Santos. 2022. “The  Role  of  Workplace  Offending  in  the  Relationship  between  Work  and Crime:Testing  the  Traditional,  Displacement,  Emboldenment,  and  Continuity  Hypotheses.” Social Science Research 106:102722.

Fox, Bryanna and Melanie Escue. 2021. “Evaluating  and  Comparing  Profiles  of  Burglaries  Developed  Using  Three  Statistical  Classification Techniques:  Cluster  Analysis,  Multidimensional  Scaling,  and  Latent  Class  Analysis.” Psychology, Crime & Law 28(1):34-58.

Escue, Melanie and John K. Cochran. 2020. “Religion,  Prejudicial  Beliefs  toward  Sexual  Minorities  and  Same-Sex  Relations,  and  Opposition  to Same-Sex  Marriage:  Hate  the  Sin  but  Love  the  Sinner.” Sociological Focus 53(4):399-410.

Leiber, Michael, Bryanna Fox, Melanie Escue, Julie Krupa, and John K. Cochran. 2020. “Race/Ethnicity  and  the  Effects  of  Prior  Case  Outcomes  on Current  Dispositions:  Continuity  and  Change  in  the  Dispositional  Careers  of  Juvenile  Offenders.” Justice Quarterly 37(5):789-816.

Rosa, Melanie, Bryanna Fox, and Wesley G. Jennings. 2020. “Do  Developmental  and  Life-Course  Theory  Risk  Factors  Equally  Predict  Age  of  Onset  Among  Juvenile  Sexual  and  Non-Sexual  Offenders?” Sexual Abuse 32(1):55-78.